Monday, March 23, 2009

How you can help by donating now.

Your gift is an investment that impact the world with the grace and truth of Jesus Christ. Let's fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) together!

All contributions are income tax deductible.

Giving By Mail

  1. Make check payable to "Campus Crusade for Christ"
  2. Include a note that reads: 'To Jonathan and Kerri Thorn, Staff#: 0550581'.
  3. Send check and note to:
    Campus Crusade for Christ
    PO Box 628222
    Orlando, FL 32862

Giving By Direct Deposit

When you join the Direct Giving Plan, your gift will be transferred directly each month from your bank account to Campus Crusade for Christ. A record of each gift will appear on your bank statement.

To set up DD from a credit card: click here

To set up DD from a checking account:
  1. Print out the DIRECT DEPOSIT FORM
  2. Fill out the form and sign it (be sure to put my account number, 0550581, in the "divide my gift this way" section)
  3. Make a check out to "Campus Crusade"
  4. Send form and check to:
    Campus Crusade for Christ
    ATTN: Direct Giving Plan
    100 Lake Hart Drive, Dept. 2400
    Orlando, FL 32832

Giving Online

You can give a credit card gift right now, online.

Giving By Phone

To make a one-time contribution by credit card, call 1-888-CRUSADE (option 1)

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