We've been in our new house for 2 months now! Things are still in a bit of disarray, but it's feeling more like home every day now. Of note: this is our first experience with a basement. It's half-finished; our computer and TV room is on the finished side, and laundry, furnace and storage space is on the other side. I love it! And I can't help wondering: why aren't there more (or any) basements in Texas? I've posted a slideshow below with some pictures, including some of Zoe playing in the snow. Enjoy - and thank you for your prayers and financial help that have made our new home a reality!
ps - we should have a fully operational guest room by the fall - a great time to see Boston. Let Kerri or me know when you'd like to come visit!
Congrats! It looks lovely! We miss basements here in CA, too! Basements are amazing! Happy settling in!