Monday, April 20, 2009

Deciding My Fate

Pictured are three of the seven tables of Local Leaders discussing what to do about the Boston Winter Conference (BWC), our annual conference for Northeast students. They decided to lower the price from $285 to $195, and evaluated the first piece of a new marketing plan that I've been putting together with the Ops Team. We also looked at trends for conferences across the nation and talked about practical ways the Ops team can increase the effectiveness of our ministries region-wide. In effect, I watched 30-something people help shape what my job will look like over the next year! Two noteworthy things related to BWC:
  1. Our student numbers should dramatically increase. The price drop alone should move us to around 460 students, compared with 277 last year. I'm praying for 550. It's so exciting to imagine the impact of 500+ students being trained and energized to have gospel conversations on their campuses!
  2. We are re-thinking every aspect of this conference. Nothing is sacred (pardon the pun) as we evaluate every day and session in light of both our Win-Build-Send philosophy and the distinctives of the current generation of students. This is both exciting and daunting, as BWC will be a major component of my job over the next 8 months!
I'd love to hear your input about how the current generation interacts with and responds to the world - I'll be sharing some of what I'm learning in future posts.

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