Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What's the 'Spiritual Temperature' in your state?


A friend of mine recently sent me these Gallup Poll results. Many of you have heard Kerri and I talk about how the Northeast has a lower awareness of spiritual things than other areas of the country - this data underscores that. The Northeast Region of Campus Crusade is comprised of 7 states: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Take a look at where they rank on this list - then see how where your own state falls. I'd love to hear your comments: how does this data reflect your own experiences?


  1. What's exciting is that there's a Vineyard church being planted tin Burlington, Vt. I always see Vermont as some needy spiritual ground.

  2. Well you already know about Texas, but the lege may pass legislation this session allowing concealed weapons in church and on campus so there's still work to be done in this state.
