~ Bunker Hill Community College student
The 2010 Boston Winter Conference was an unqualified success! Over 550 staff and students attended over the 5 days, and many experienced refreshment and challenge in their relationship with God. We’re just beginning to compile student comments like the one above, and the stories behind them are so encouraging! Here are a few:
- Rolanda (a Brown University student) sat down to eat with her friends at a restaurant in the Prudential mall that adjoins the hotel. The waiter was very friendly, and as he interacted with the group and took their orders, he mentioned that they had a “glow” about them. On the way back after dinner, Rolanda wished she would have said something to the waiter about her faith. Brodie, one of the CCC staff at Brown, encouraged her to go back and talk to the waiter, which she did. Rolanda shared the Gospel – and her waiter prayed to become a Christ-follower. Wow!
- The campus breakout times experienced a level of vulnerability rarely seen. UNH staff reported students openly talking about sexual abuse and relational brokenness – and a spirit of grace, love, and community among the staff and students as they processed these issues and prayed for one another.
- An MIT student happened to be walking in the mall and through the hotel during the conference. He picked up one of our programs, and was so impressed that he decided to attend the conference! I am awed and excited by how God uses the graphic design of a program to draw people to Himself. Hooray Ops!
Thanks for the update! How marvelous to see God at work in such visible ways! We're praying that the seeds that were planted at BWC would enjoy deep roots in the weeks and months to come.