Friday, November 29, 2019


The aftermath...
If you follow me on Facebook, you likely already know that we were in a car accident earlier this week.  We were on our way to eat lunch at one of my childhood favorites, and were caught in the aftermath of a serious collision between a small SUV and an 18-wheeler.   The fact that we walked away from the crash with our most serious injuries being some bruising and neck/back soreness, was a major cause for thankfulness at this year's Thanksgiving celebration.

We felt the presence of the Lord so keenly that morning - not one person was critically injured,  the first responders were competent and kind, and the local folks (and there weren't many - we were in the middle of nowhere :) were so gracious and helpful.  The Lord would have been with us no matter the outcome, but we're very thankful that this outcome was overall a good one.

It's been quite a year for insurance claims for the Thorn family - tornado damage, serious burn for Sophie, and now we will be replacing a vehicle!  Our savings account has been seriously depleted.  As you pray about your end-of-year giving, if you feel led to help us get back in the black, you can easily contribute through this link - regardless, we're always thankful for your prayerful partnership, and we trust that God will continue to supply all of our needs out of His abundance and we pray that you will experience His abundant provision as well.
Thanksgiving celebration with Kerri's family - so much for which to be thankful!

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